Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Things I've Learned

So last week after my short iPhone post I decided to go back to the beginning. Of what? Well my blog of course. That's right, I read every single post start to finish. With the latter oddly enough corresponding with the announcement of my boarding call. Talk about timing!

During that long read I came to some very real conclusions. First, I realized how much I miss it. The writing, venting, prose, laughing and yes even some crying. Which brings me to my second realization, gratitude. I am so grateful for having that record of those few years. I wish I had started much sooner and not let it go vacant as much as I did. I had forgotten some of the different feelings and details in parts my life, and having them there to remind me somehow makes me feel more grounded and whole-souled. So much has happened in the past few years that I haven't blogged out of my system. Some of it I really need to. Other aspects I don't know if I can... But it's time I tried.

This blog is much more personal to me than any other web space I may occupy. Facebook might have my personal information, pictures, daily status updates, friends (does anyone really have over 200 friends) and things I "Like". But this blog is chalked full of my inner being, emotions, heartaches, passions and more. Even so much more than just "Thoughts, Ideas, Poems, and Secrets".

I also learned that I need to proofread! Yikes.

Here's an interesting little tidbit. People actually read me! And from places I wouldn't have ever expected.

It's kind of funny that my own country comes in third. These page views are not completely comprehensive. Blogger doesn't start recording my stats until May 2009, but I started my blog in July of 2004. Now those all-time stats would be interesting!

So with that I want to thank you... yes YOU! For being here reading this now and for reading in the past. And I pledge to offer you something to read in the future!

Side note: I'm still cheesed I can't properly blog from my iPhone! I wonder if the Android Blogger app is as limited...

Monday, March 05, 2012

Exit From B Gate

With so many social webpages vying for our precious time where can we find the time to visit our old friend/blog?

Well as it turns out, about 2:15 AM in an airport seems to be the right time. But I've discovered that using my iPhone I can't blog directly from the Dashboard. No, I had to download the Blogger app. Ok that's understandable... What's not understandable or acceptable is the lack of the landscape feature.

So with that being said I'm off to pass the time with more feature friendly apps.

P.S. Don't read too much into the title of this post... It's simple the first thing I saw when I looked up. :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Because Someone Once Said...

...Pictures count as blogging.

I took this of downtown last Tuesday from the north shore. (I heart my iPhone)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

I'm Wondering The Same Thing...

"What is it inside our heads
That makes us do the opposite,
Makes us do the opposite
Of what's right for us."

- My Morning Jacket